Working with alienated children and families : a clinical guidebook / edited by Amy J.L. Baker & S. Richard Sauber

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This edited volume is written by and for mental health professionals who work directly with alienated children and their parents. The chapters are written by leaders in the field, all of whom know how vexing parental alienation can be for mental health professionals. No matter how the professional intersects with families affected by alienation, be it through individual treatment, reunification therapy, a school setting, or support groups, he or she needs to consider how to make proper assessments, how to guard against bias, and when and how to involve the court system, among other c.

Autor/s Sauber, S. Richard.,
Baker, Amy J. L.,
Categoria Llibre
ISBN 9780415518024
Producció New York, NY : Routledge, ©2013
RESUM, ETC.This edited volume is written by and for mental health professionals who work directly with alienated children and their parents. The chapters are written by leaders in the field, all of whom know how vexing parental alienation can be for mental health professionals. No matter how the professional intersects with families affected by alienation, be it through individual treatment, reunification therapy, a school setting, or support groups, he or she needs to consider how to make proper assessments, how to guard against bias, and when and how to involve the court system, among other c.
Descripció xiii, 277 pàgines ; 23 cm


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