ABC of behaviour change theories / Susan Michie, Robert West, Rona Campbell, Jamie Brown, Heather Gainforth

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Autor/s Gainforth, Heather
Brown, Jamie
Campbell, Rona
West, Robert
Michie, Susan
Categoria Llibre
ISBN 9781291886672
Producció [S.l.] : Silverback Publishing, 2014
NOTA DE BIBLIOGRAFIA, ETC.Inclou referències bibliogràfiques
RESUM, ETC.This book describes 83 theories of behaviour change, identified by an expert panel of psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists and economists as relevant to designing interventions. For each theory, the book provides a brief summary, a list of its component constructs, a more extended description and a network analysis to show its links with other theories in the book. It considers the role of theory in understanding behaviour change and its application to designing and evaluating interventions.
Descripció 499 p. : il. ; 21 cm


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