Understanding body movement: a guide to empirical research on nonverbal behaviour with an introduction to the neuroges coding system / Hedda Lausberg (ed.) ; Jana Bryjovà, Daniela Dvretska, Ingo Helmich, Katharina Hogrefe, Henning Holle, Monika Kryger, Lerstin, Petermann, Robert Rein, Harald Skomroch, Han Slöetjes

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Autor/s Lausberg, Hedda,
Bryjovà, Jana,
Dvretska, Daniela,
Helmich, Ingo,
Hogrefe, Katharina,
Holle, Henning,
Kryger, Monika,
Petermann, Lerstin,
Reing, Robert,
Skomroch, Harald,
Slöetges, Han,
Categoria Llibre
ISBN 9783631582497
Producció Frankfurt : Peter Lang Publishing Group, 2013
NOTA GENERALInclou referències bibliogràfiques
RESUM, ETC.This book is an interdisciplinary guide to empirical research on nonverbal behaviour. It focuses on tools and procedures to investigate body movement and gesture and the relation to cognitive, emotional, and interactive processes. NEUROGES is an objective and reliable coding system for movement behaviour and gesture. Its combination with the multi-media annotation tool ELAN results in an effective movement analysis. Rater training and rating procedures constitute an important component in movement behaviour studies. A novel algorithm assesses interrater agreement for the segmentation of the ongoing flow of behaviour. Recommendations for study designs and statistical data evaluation are given, including innovative procedures for the analysis of interactive partners' body movements.
Descripció 343 pàgines ; 21 cm


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