Psychotherapy relationships that work : Volume 1 : evidence-based therapist contributions / edited by John C. Norcross & Michael J. Lambert

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Autor/s Lambert, Michael J.
Norcross, John C.,
Categoria Llibre
ISBN 9780190843953
Producció New York : Oxford University Press, 2019
Edició Third edition
NOTA DE BIBLIOGRAFIA, ETC.Inclou referències bibliogràfiques i índex
RESUM, ETC.First published in 2002, the landmark Psychotherapy Relationships That Work broke new ground by focusing renewed and corrective attention on the substantial research behind the crucial (but often overlooked) client-therapist relationship. This highly cited, widely adopted classic is now presented in two volumes: Evidence-based Therapist Contributions, edited by John C. Norcross and Michael J. Lambert; and Evidence-based Therapist Responsiveness, edited by John C. Norcross and Bruce E. Wampold. Each chapter in the two volumes features a specific therapist behavior that improves treatment outcome, or a transdiagnostic patient characteristic by which clinicians can effectively tailor psychotherapy. In addition to updates to existing chapters, the third edition features new chapters on the real relationship, emotional expression, immediacy, therapist self-disclosure, promoting treatment credibility, and adapting therapy to the patient's gender identity and sexual orientation. All chapters provide original meta-analyses, clinical examples, landmark studies, diversity considerations, training implications, and most importantly, research-infused therapeutic practices by distinguished contributors. Featuring expanded coverage and an enhanced practice focus, the third edition of the seminal Psychotherapy Relationships That Work offers a compelling synthesis of the best available research, clinical expertise, and patient characteristics in the tradition of evidence-based practice. Like the original, this new edition is
Descripció 664 pàgines : gràfics ; 25 cm


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