Essentials of MCMI-IV assessment / Seth Grossman, Blaise Amendolace

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Quickly acquire the knowledge and skills you need to administer, score, and interpret the MCMI (R)-IV Essentials of MCMI (R)-IV Assessment is the definitive source of up-to-date, practical information for clinicians and students using the MCMI(R)-IV inventory. Step-by-step guidelines walk you through the process of administering the assessment, with a profile and demonstration of the clinical process from administration to treatment. Expert discussion helps inform higher-quality therapeutic interventions. The link between assessment and intervention is emphasized throughout, as well as coverage of relevant populations and clinical applications, to provide a well-rounded understanding while illuminating the uses of the MCMI (R)-IV. This book provides instruction and clarification from the foremost experts to help you achieve better outcomes for your clients. * Follow step-by-step guidelines for administering the MCMI (R)-IV * Recognize the connection between data and intervention * Improve quality and accuracy of therapeutic applications * Gain a more practical understanding of the MCMI (R)-IV assessment process The MCMI (R)-IV assesses a wide range of information related to a client's personality, emotional adjustment, test-taking approach, and other critical information. Interpretation and reporting serve as a basis from which therapeutic interventions are designed, so quality and accuracy is of utmost importance every step of the way. Essentials of MCMI (R)-IV Assessment is the most authoritative, up-to-date resource in the field, and a must-have reference for anyone who uses the test.

Autor/s Grossman, Seth, 1968
Amendolace, Blaise,
Categoria Llibre
ISBN 9781119236429
Producció Hoboken, New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons , 2017
NOTA DE BIBLIOGRAFIA, ETC.Inclou referències bibliogràfiques i índex
RESUM, ETC.Quickly acquire the knowledge and skills you need to administer, score, and interpret the MCMI (R)-IV Essentials of MCMI (R)-IV Assessment is the definitive source of up-to-date, practical information for clinicians and students using the MCMI(R)-IV inventory. Step-by-step guidelines walk you through the process of administering the assessment, with a profile and demonstration of the clinical process from administration to treatment. Expert discussion helps inform higher-quality therapeutic interventions. The link between assessment and intervention is emphasized throughout, as well as coverage of relevant populations and clinical applications, to provide a well-rounded understanding while illuminating the uses of the MCMI (R)-IV. This book provides instruction and clarification from the foremost experts to help you achieve better outcomes for your clients. * Follow step-by-step guidelines for administering the MCMI (R)-IV * Recognize the connection between data and intervention * Improve quality and accuracy of therapeutic applications * Gain a more practical understanding of the MCMI (R)-IV assessment process The MCMI (R)-IV assesses a wide range of information related to a client's personality, emotional adjustment, test-taking approach, and other critical information. Interpretation and reporting serve as a basis from which therapeutic interventions are designed, so quality and accuracy is of utmost importance every step of the way. Essentials of MCMI (R)-IV Assessment is the most authoritative, up-to-date resource in the field, and a must-have reference for anyone who uses the test.
Descripció 187 pàgines ; 21 cm


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