Overcoming the co-parenting trap : essential parenting skills when a child resists a parent / John A. Moran, Tyler Sullivan, & Matthew Sullivan

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Autor/s Moran, John A., autor
Sullivan, Tyler,
Sullivan, Matthew
Categoria Llibre
ISBN 9780692407998
Producció Natick, MA : Overcoming Barriers, ©2015
NOTA DE BIBLIOGRAFIA, ETC.Inclou referències bibliogràfiques pàgines: 79-81
RESUM, ETC.Helps parents understand the reasons why some children resist a parent during divorce - a reality that touches many families. Combining years of experience in intensive work with families struggling with parent-child estrangement, Overcoming Barriers' first publication offers practical insight on two central questions: Why does a child resist contact with a parent? How can I best support my child to have healthy relationships with both parents? This guide details practical strategies for working through the significant challenges both parents may experience with a resisting child. Common scenarios and concrete solutions are presented both for preferred parents and resisted parents.
Descripció 81 pàgines ; 22 cm


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