Overcoming parent-child contact problems : family-based interventions for resistance, rejection, and alienation / edited by Abigail M. Judge, Robin M. Deutsch

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Autor/s Judge, Abigail,
Deutsch, Robin M.,
Categoria Llibre
ISBN 9780190235208
Producció Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, [2017]
NOTA DE BIBLIOGRAFIA, ETC.Inclou referències bibligràfiques i índexs
RESUM, ETC.In recent years there has been heightened interest in the clinical and legal management of families in which children resist contact with one parent and become aligned with the other following divorce. Families affected by these dynamics require disproportionate resources and time from mental health and legal professionals, and cases require a specialized clinical approach. Traditional models of individual and family therapy are not designed to address these issues, and strategies and resources for mental health and legal professionals have been extremely limited. This text describes interventions for families experiencing a high conflict divorce impasse where a child is resisting contact with a parent. It examines in detail one such intervention, the Overcoming Barriers approach, involving the entire family and combining psycho-education and clinical intervention.
Descripció 334 pàgines : taules ; 23cm


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