101 coaching supervision techniques, approaches, enquiries and experiments / edited by Michelle Lucas

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Autor/s Lucas, Michelle,
Categoria Llibre
ISBN 97803674811489780367481155
Producció Abingdon, Oxon ; New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
NOTA DE BIBLIOGRAFIA, ETC.Inclou referències bibligràfiques i índexs
RESUM, ETC.This book outlines 101 practical coaching supervision techniques in their theoretical context and is organised into 10 chapters each reflecting a different philosophical basis for the coaching supervision work: Existential, Gestalt, Positive Psychology, Psychodynamic, Solution Focused, Systemic, Thinking Environment, Transpersonal and finally an Eclectic chapter. With contributions and insights from leaders in the field, this book provides in-depth coverage of the different philosophies and their principles. The book will help readers determine which technique to use and when, as well as offering a step-by-step guide to implementing or adapting it for their own work. With a breadth of techniques, the book will help all supervisors broaden their repertoire and ultimately become a better coach. Accessible and practical, this book is a valuable resource for experienced and novice supervisors and coaches and will help keep supervision practices both current and fresh with the use of new techniques
Descripció xxxvi, 362 pàgines : gràfics i taules ; 24 cm


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