Introduction to coaching psychology / edited by Siobhain O'Riordan and Stephen Palmer

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Autor/s O'Riordan, Siobhain,
Categoria Llibre
ISBN 97804157890739780415789080
Producció Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2021
NOTA DE BIBLIOGRAFIA, ETC.Inclou referències bibliogràfiques i índexs
RESUM, ETC.Introduction to Coaching Psychology covers key topics, including the background and development of coaching psychology, the coach-coachee relationship, coaching psychology approaches and models, and themes such as assessment, contracting, and the setup in coaching psychology practice. Applications in coaching psychology are considered, including a look at particular coaching psychology specialisms and interventions, as well as discussions about working in organisations, working with young people, and life and personal coaching. Professional practice issues, such as boundaries and best practice, and coaching and diversity, are also explored. Furthermore, a review of coaching psychology research is presented. The book also offers a rich collection of case studies to illustrate the practice of coaching psychology in a real-world setting and concludes with a consideration of the future of the field
Descripció 225 pàgines ; 23 cm


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