Psychological Stress : volum II : the measurement of stress / edited by Stephen Palmer and Kristina Gyllensten

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Stress has been called the 'great modern disease' and it causes many negative effects for societies, organizations, and individuals. Stress may also be responsible for psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, and burnout. Indeed, stress and its consequences have been described in the literature since the 19th-century with William James and Carl Lange's work. This three-volume major work contains articles which trace the development of ideas around stress from the early twentieth century to the modern day, spanning the fields of psychology, applied mental health, coaching, and cognitive behavioural psychotherapy

Autor/s Palmer, Stephen,
Gyllensten, Kristina
Categoria Llibre
ISBN 9781473908000
NOTA DE CONTINGUT FORMATADAConté: 1. The history and development of theories -- 2. The measurement of stress -- 3. The management of stress
RESUM, ETC.Stress has been called the 'great modern disease' and it causes many negative effects for societies, organizations, and individuals. Stress may also be responsible for psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, and burnout. Indeed, stress and its consequences have been described in the literature since the 19th-century with William James and Carl Lange's work. This three-volume major work contains articles which trace the development of ideas around stress from the early twentieth century to the modern day, spanning the fields of psychology, applied mental health, coaching, and cognitive behavioural psychotherapy
Descripció 289 pagines ; 24 cm


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