Flow at work : measurement and implications / edited by Clive Fullagar and Antonella Delle Fave

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Etiquetes: Treball

Autor/s Fullagar, Clive,
Delle Fave, Antonella,
Categoria Llibre
ISBN 9781848722781
Producció New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 2017
Edició First Edition
NOTA DE BIBLIOGRAFIA, ETC.Inclou referències bibliogràfiques i índex
NOTA DE CONTINGUT FORMATADAConté: 1. Flow at work: the evolution of a construct -- 2. Measuring flow at work -- 3. Capturing within-person changes in flow at work -- 4. What predicts flow at work? -- 5. Redefining flow at work -- 6. The consequences of flow at work -- 7. Applications of flow to work -- 8. Flow in the context of industrial and organizational psychology -- 9. Work cultures and the culture of work -- 10. Will work ever be fun again?
Descripció 193 pàgines ; 24 cm


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