Catàleg de la Biblioteca

El servei de Biblioteca restarà aturat.
Fins a pròxim avís només s’atendran:
  • Les reserves rebudes fins a 20 de gener a les 17 h.
  • Les correccions informàtiques de fulls de respostes comprats amb anterioritat al dia 20 de gener. S’enviaran al correu electrònic del col·legiat o col·legiada, sempre que hagi comprat el full de respostes a la biblioteca i no l'hagi utilitzat anteriorment, entenent que per a cada passació cal utiltizar un full orginal.
  • Les devolucions presencials de documents, en horari de dimarts i dijous, de 9 a 14 h i de 14.30 a 18 h.

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(0 valoracions)

Racionalidad : qué es, por qué escasea y como promoverla /Steven Pinker ; traducción de Pablo Hermida Lazcano

Llibre - ISBN: 9788449338618
Signatura: 3.2 Pin
Número d'edició: Primera edición
Producció: Barcelona : Paidós, 2021
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estella vacía
estella vacía
estella vacía
estella vacía
(0 valoracions)

‎Guía para implementar el pensamiento crítico en el aula : el baile de los estorninos / Daniel Albertos Gómez

Llibre - ISBN: 9788436845358
Signatura: 6.2 Alb
Producció: Madrid : Pirámide, 2021
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estella vacía
estella vacía
estella vacía
estella vacía
(0 valoracions)

Mujeres sabias y maravillosas / Eva Garcés Soler

Llibre - ISBN: 9781980789932
Signatura: 8.3 Gar
Número d'edició: Primer edición: Abril 2018
Producció: [ [Lloc de publicació no identificat] : Eva Garcés Soler, 2018
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estella vacía
estella vacía
estella vacía
estella vacía
(0 valoracions)

Coaching psychology for mental health : borderline personality disorder and personal psychological recovery / Martin O'Connor, Hugh O'Donovan

Llibre - ISBN: 9780367501440 (hbk.)9780367501457 (pbk.)9781000431360 (PDF ebook)9781003048978 (ebook) : 24.99
Signatura: 10.8 O'Co
raditionally, coaching psychologists have worked with people who aren’t experiencing significant mental distress or have diagnosed mental illness. This book describes an innovative and challenging project of bringing coaching psychology to the lived experience of individuals with a diagnosed mental illness, Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). The authors present a case for why coaching psychology needs to be constructively challenged to broaden its base and be more inclusive and of service to people experiencing BPD in particular. The book describes a coaching interaction involving coaching psychologists and a number of individuals with BPD who had completed a behavioural skills programme (Dialectical Behaviour Therapy; DBT). It explores the epistemological and practice tensions involving the dominance of clinical recovery (elimination of symptoms) in mental health services and personal or psychological recovery (originating in the narratives of people with a diagnosis of mental illness who yearn to live a life worth living). This book, written amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, makes a compelling case for coaching psychologists to engage with the philosophy and practice implications of personal recovery, at both professional and personal levels. It will be vital reading for those engaged in coaching psychology and for the education, training and continuous professional development of coaches and coaching psychologists

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