Catàleg de la Biblioteca

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  • Les devolucions presencials de documents, en horari de dimarts i dijous, de 9 a 14 h i de 14.30 a 18 h.

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The SAGE handbook of social constructionist practice / edited by Sheila McNamee, Mary M. Gergen, Celiane Camargo-Borges and Emerson F. Rasera

Llibre - ISBN: 9781526488879
Signatura: 10.10 Sag
Producció: London : SAGE Publications, [2020]
The SAGE Handbook of Social Constructionist Practice is the first major survey of innovations in professional practice emerging from a social constructionist orientation to social science. This key perspective has been unique in its stimulation of pioneering practices over a broad number of professions. This volume offers insights into the latest developments in theory, showcases the range and variations in practical outcomes, while pointing to emerging directions of development. The Handbook focuses on hands-on practices, while offering the theoretical tools for further enriching their application. The authors are leading figures in their fields, including organizational development, therapy, healthcare, education, research, and community building. The volume will be particularly useful for students, scholars, professional practitioners, and change makers from across the globe

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