Catàleg de la Biblioteca

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Telerehabilitation in communication disorders and mental health / edited by Sanjeev Kumar Gupta

Llibre - ISBN: 9789353882808
Signatura: 10.10.1
Producció: Thousand Oaks : SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2020
The increasing influence of digital media on all aspects of life, especially the use of Internet and smartphone, has not left even the field of healthcare practice untouched. Telerehabilitation, implying the use of telecommunications in rehabilitation activities, is being used widely in the treatment of communication and mental health disorders. The use of telerehabilitation services makes rehabilitation more feasible, fast, time-saving and cost-effective for people who face constraints in physically presenting themselves to healthcare providers due to extent of retardation, illness or commuting issues. It is thus a boon for the people who stay in remote areas and have no access to healthcare professionals in close vicinity. Therefore, research is underway on the optimal means to deliver telerehabilitation services both locally and globally and is now seen as a critical activity in healthcare

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