Catàleg de la Biblioteca

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  • Les reserves rebudes fins a 20 de gener a les 17 h.
  • Les correccions informàtiques de fulls de respostes comprats amb anterioritat al dia 20 de gener. S’enviaran al correu electrònic del col·legiat o col·legiada, sempre que hagi comprat el full de respostes a la biblioteca i no l'hagi utilitzat anteriorment, entenent que per a cada passació cal utiltizar un full orginal.
  • Les devolucions presencials de documents, en horari de dimarts i dijous, de 9 a 14 h i de 14.30 a 18 h.

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Solution-focused supervision : a resource-oriented approach to developing clinical expertise / Frank N. Thomas

Llibre - ISBN: 9781489986931
Signatura: 12.1 Tho
Producció: New York : Springer, 2015
New data have come to light through the Solution Focused Brief Therapy Association Archive (hereafter, the Archive). This information is drawn from manuscripts and video featuring one of the SF founders, Insoo Kim Berg, MSW. Archive video examples of Ms. Berg conducting supervision, therapy teams, and case consultation as well as unpublished manuscripts written by her provide unique opportunities to illustrate specific assumptions and techniques rarely seen before. The documents outline Ms. Berg’s philosophy, assumptions, and techniques to conduct supervision, and the videos offer in vivo examples of her supervision and team/case consultation style. Together, the Archive materials offer a rich resource for a book that both informs and illustrates SFS

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